Women’s Bureau of Sri Lanka

The main national mechanism to implement projects and programmes for social and economic development of women from national to grass root level. It has given top priority to setup stronger network of women organizations for achieving the rights and opportunities in a collective approach.

Self-employment opportunity for Female Head Households, implementation of income generating projects targeting the National Center for Empowering FHH families at Kilinochchi, providing relief to women in disaster situations, economic and social empowerment of women who have been deprived of social sensitivity for particular reasons. ("Jeevithayata Aruthak"), strengthening the families of prisoners socially and economically are major interventions of the Bureau.

Women entrepreneurs development special program to coincide with Women's Day, Identify and create database for rural women affected by unregulated microfinance loan schemes and providing assistance to them,  Market promotion and trade fairs, and income generation training programs, providing livelihood and welfare facilities for 18 years plus girls in children homes, empowering and livelihood development of women with disabilities, and maintain and manage women shelters/ safe homes are also happening.

Our Vision

To become the National Institution which creates a generation of prudent, sensitive and faithful women for Sri Lankan Society.

Our Mission

To become the national mechanism operating for women's wellbeing in keeping with state policy through social and economic empowerment activated by well-planned provision of awareness through a proper organizational framework to create an environment conducive towards a generation of women" who encounter challenges with self-confidence by maximum and sound utilization of their wisdom and strength.

